As a guild member you receive:
Monthly Newsletter
Includes a calendar of upcoming events as well as quilting tips and other items of interest to quilters.
Access to Guild Library
The guild library is currently located at the VA Medical Center in the same room where monthly meetings are held. Book check out and return is left to the responsibility of the guild member.
The Annual Quilt Challenge
Members of the guild create a quilt based on that theme and then the entries are hung in the Richmond Library on Ross Street during the month of February. The theme determined by the Chairperson of the challenge. Some of our past themes have been centered around "Flora and Fauna", "Naught or Nice", "Chocolate", "Carnival", "30-Something and a Pearl","Bars", and "Black and White and One Other Color".
Membership to New York Quilter's Consortium
The Museum Quilt Guild has been a member of the Quilters Consortium of New York State since 2000. Each year we elect 2 delegates to represent our guild. We have participated in their Quilt Shows, Build a Guild Events, meeting hosting and their community service projects to supply quilts and supplies to victims of catastrophic storms.
Executive Board
Co-Presidents - Alex Hammon, Diane Hooper
VPs Programs - Sue Russell, JoAnn Flynt
VP – Workshops – Debbie Vosburg, Nancy Mitchell
Secretary – Christine Hansen, Ann Renica
Treasurer – Lori Ivison
Committee Chairs
Community Service – Connie Grimsley; Jennifer Grimsley
Historian – Jeri Mount
Hospitality – Martha Lorshbaugh
Library - Debbie Vosburg
Membership – Elizabeth Scott, Kathleen Belluscio
Newsletter – Alex Hammon
Publicity -
QCNYS Delegates Membership - Diane Hooper
Sunshine Chair - Alex Hammon
Website – Elaine Ross